Right is Wrong (2006)

Two typewriters, utility tables, steel, solenoids, bicycle cable, plexiglas, paper, springs, misc. hardware, motion sensors, and custom electronics.
(approx. 34 x 37 x 22 inches)

Two typewriters sit side-by-side on small stands. When activated by motion sensors, solenoids near the base of each table trigger buttons on the keyboards in specific orders to spell out words. When the first motion detector is activated, the left-hand typewriter types the word "right." The second motion detector causes the word "wrong" to be typed on the right-hand typewriter, and the third detector, located between the first two, causes the words "right is" to be typed on the left-hand typewriter. The inclusion of motion sensors allows audience movement to influence the resultant message each typewriter produces. The messages are directly related to motion on separate sides of the room. These sides may stand in opposition: "right, right, right, right, right, right" on the left side and "wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong" on the right side. With the variable "right is," however, the two sides combine into one message: "right, right, right, right is, right, right is, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong".


